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ISO 9001 Quality System Certification

As early as the beginning of the 1990s, we built up a Quality Management System, based on the international standard UNI EN ISO 9001.
What exactly does this mean? It is simply the best way to operate to guarantee quality during every company process: from the definition of the customer’s needs to their satisfaction, across the various activities of the company.
In 2012 the same certification was also extended to the bathroom furniture and living room furniture sector.
As early as the beginning of the 1990s, we built up a Quality Management System, based on the international standard UNI EN ISO 9001.
What exactly does this mean? The Quality Management System, based on the international UNI EN ISO 9001 standard, is simply the best way to operate to guarantee quality during every company process: from the definition of the customer’s needs to their satisfaction, across the various activities of the company. In 2012, the same certification was also extended to the bathroom furniture and living room furniture sector.
To simplify, here are some processes that result in quality:
  • product design and development
  • customer order management
  • supplier selection assessment and control
  • production and maintenance
  • inspection of materials and finished products during reception production and shipment
  • the carrying out of laboratory tests
  • documentation management
  • complaints management

Because our main goal is full customer satisfaction.
For the kitchen sector, we obtained the first Quality Management certification in 1996, which has been updated ever since. In 2012, the same certification was also extended to the bathroom furniture and living room furniture sector.
The body that issued the certification is SGS, an independent body and world leader in audits, inspections and certifications.


ISO 9001 Quality System Certification

In 2018 that we have obtained the "Made in Italy" product, origin and quality Certification - issued by the COSMOB specialized institute - which declares the Italian origin of furniture.

The “Made in Italy” Certification covers both our kitchen and living room ranges and is based on the UNI 11674 (2017) standard, which requires that certain process and product requirements be fulfilled.
To meet the process requirements, production must be Italian, in other words the significant phases of the process (the processing to manufacture semi-finished products and finished products, final assembly and packaging) must be carried out on Italian soil.
The product requirements on the other hand concern the product performance, including the need to accommodate the safety, resistance and durability requirements in accordance with the applicable technical standards in force.


Made in Italy Certification


Since 2008, Scavolini is the first company in the Italian kitchen sector to have obtained certification for its Occupational Health and Safety Management System. The UNI EN ISO 45001 standard (which replaced the BS OHSAS 18001 standard), implemented by us, defines the requirements of a System for managing occupational health and safety risks.
The decision to obtain the UNI EN ISO 45001 certification is in keeping with our spirit of “continuous improvement” that sets us apart and testifies to our strong commitment and sensitivity to protecting the health and safety of our employees, a highly relevant topic of paramount importance.
By actively involving the entire company structure in this project with the aim of promoting a genuine culture of occupational safety, we reaffirm our complete awareness of the importance of human capital in contributing to an organisation's success.
This initiative perfectly reflects our company's individual-orientated philosophy, pursued with continuity, sense of responsibility and deep belief from the outset and evident in our attitude towards our employees and commercial partners, as well as towards customers.
The UNI EN ISO 45001 certification was awarded by SGS Italia, which previously certified the Quality Management System and the Environmental Management System. An independent body, SGS is a world leader in the testing and certification of industrial goods and services. The company is headquartered in Switzerland and has offices in over 140 countries worldwide. It has been present in Italy since 1915.


ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Certification

Homes, offices and meeting places should also be safe places, which is why the air in these indoor environments must be protected because it is not risk-free. In fact, there may be volatile chemical substances that are harmful to human health: the so-called Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), emitted by a large number of products in our homes, such as: paints, glues, building materials, household products, furniture, etc.
In view of this, we obtained the "COSMOB Qualitas Praemium: Indoor Hi-Quality” certification for our products (kitchen, living room and bathroom furniture) because we care about the health of our customers. And we certify this care and attention with a special label.
Scavolini products all belong to class A++, the highest possible level in terms of low indoor emissions.
This refers to the levels envisaged by one of the strictest protocols: the American LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) regulations set up by the U.S. Green Building Council for the construction of buildings with a focus on sustainability.
The result of the tests conducted by the COSMOB technological centre makes it possible to define Scavolini products as LEED-compliant (Commercial Interior - IEQ Credit 4.5) for the quality of the air in confined spaces.


Cosmob Qualitas Praemium: Indoor Hi-Quality


We have always been sensitive to consumer safety and try to make products with the lowest formaldehyde emissions. This substance is in fact used in the production of many glues and resins which, in turn, are also used in the processing of wood panels. But the panels produced in this way can release formaldehyde molecules into the environment in gaseous form which, in large concentrations, are harmful to humans.
All our products and wood-based materials used have the following features:
  • they are class E1 as required by Italian Ministerial Decree 10/10/2008;
  • they meet the requirements of EPA TSCA Title VI (USA regulation) and CARB ATCM Phase 2 (Californian regulation), i.e. they are panels with very low formaldehyde emissions (about half the E1 level).
  • The structure of most of our products consists of Idroleb Ecological Panels, made from 100% post-consumer wood and with the lowest formaldehyde emissions, with values that are even lower than the limits set by the strictest Japanese standard F**** (4 stars).


UNI EN ISO 14001 is an international standard that defines the development of an effective Environmental Management System to improve all company activities that have an impact on the environment.
Here are some of the voluntary targets we have achieved – since the early 2000s - through our Environmental Management System:
  • compliance with all laws and standards that affect the company’s site and its products, processes and services in any way;
  • the identification of significant environmental aspects (linked to production activities and to the product) that are continuously monitored and improved;
  • the creation of a dialectical relationship with the surrounding environment.

The Scavolini Environmental System is certified by SGS, an independent body and world leader in audits, inspections and certifications.
But what exactly is an Environmental Management System?
The Environmental Management System, through the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) method, ensures that the company’s activities with an impact on the environment are managed in the best possible way, in full compliance with the “continuous improvement”process, which is the primary objective of both international regulations and our Environmental Policy.
Hence, our environmental commitment is reflected in the constant reduction of raw materials and energy, the use of renewable energy and non-polluting raw materials, the recovery of waste materials and the study of the environmental impact of products throughout their life cycle.
This commitment is widespread across all levels and shared with both in-house staff and with all the company’s co-workers and visitors through specific communication initiatives.


ISO 140001 Environmental System Certification

The CQP Furniture Product Circularity Certification – issued by COSMOB – is a source of great pride for us since it certifies that we have chosen valid criteria both in terms of production and in our choice of materials, with a view to being more environmentally friendly and economically efficient.
To elaborate further, here are the criteria used to calculate product circularity:
Assessment of:
  • 1. Materials used for the product and for the packaging (parameters):
    • quantity;
    • recycled, permanent recycled, virgin material contents;
    • biodegradability;
    • origin: Italian, EU, non-EU;
    • cost and durability;
  • 2. Energy sources (parameters):
    • from electricity mains;
    • self-produced from renewable source;
    • self-produced from non-renewable source;
Assessment of:
  • Product and packaging waste (parameters):
    • types and quantities of waste intended for recycling, energy valuation, compost, landfill.
Assessment of:
  • Electricity introduced into the mains;
  • Thermal energy sold externally (e.g.: heat not self-consumed).
Assessment of:
  • Materials used for the product and for the packaging (parameters):
    • Disassemblability of the various components of the finished product and disassemblability of any multi-material components;
    • product components intended for re-use;
    • method of managing recovery, recycling and energy valuation.

To assess and interpret the environmental impact of any asset (product or service), the entire life cycle of products is in fact taken into consideration according to the LCA method (Life Cycle Assessment).


Forest Stewardship Council® – Chain of Custody (CoC)
The acronym of the Forest Stewardship Council, the international FSC certification is based on the assignment of the Chain of Custody (CoC) that certifies the traceability of forest-based material, guaranteeing they have been sourced from forests that are managed in an environmentally-friendly, socially responsible and economically sustainable manner. This is a vital and essential step in order to apply FSC labels to our products in the future!



Reproduction, copying in whole or in part, publication by any means whatsoever, distribution in whole or in part of the material included in the FSC Certification are explicitly prohibited without specific authorisation.