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¿Estás buscando ideas para reformar la casa o transformar una habitación en particular? Scavolini te desvela varios trucos para diseñar cada ambiente según tus necesidades en materia de espacio, estilo y funcionalidad.
An open-plan, separate or broken-plan kitchen?
3 (plus 1!) ways to plan your kitchen. An open-plan setting, a dedicated room or adjoining rooms make the cooking environment extremely customisable!
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Equipped walls with or without wall cladding in the kitchen
The designs and materials to choose for a custom-sized equipped kitchen wall. Professional-looking, with targeted functions or no wall cladding?
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Small kitchens with tip-top organisation
Ideas for furnishing a small kitchen to suit every setting. When the space is small and... unnoticeable!
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Modern bathroom lighting: tips and tricks
Inspirations for furnishing the well-being room with light
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Furnish your home with virtual reality
Choosing furniture becomes an immersive 3D experience thanks to virtual reality
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Shower, bathtub, or both?
What to choose for your bathroom, between practicality, styling and organisation
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Kitchen door types
They are vital to determining the look of a project. Let’s find out why.
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Kitchen wall unit depth
What you need to know to organise and make the best use of the highest spaces in the kitchen.
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L-shaped kitchens: tips for perfect compositions
Practical solutions that make the most of the space and offer visually surprising emotions.
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Small bathroom: space-saving ideas
From shelves to cabinets and accessories, there is more than one idea to optimise the size of the wellness room.
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Kitchen counter and worktop, a winning combination
How to create perfect combinations in your kitchen.
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Handles and recessed grip profiles, we compare solutions
Handles lend a touch of style, while recessed grip profiles offer a simple yet striking appearance to the setting: two door opening solutions compared.
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