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Casa verde: ¿qué significa? En esta sección, te damos ideas para crear una vivienda que apueste por el respeto del medio ambiente, el ahorro energético y la optimización de los recursos. ¡Hagámonos más ecológicos juntos!

Bathroom plants
Keep these plants in your bathroom
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House plants for the living room
How to decorate your living room with house plants
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FSC® Certification and our commitment to the environment
Sustainability and the FSC Chain of Custody Certification: caring about the planet, day-in day-out.
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Green design is good for the planet
A story of respect and love to be told: this is Scavolini Eco-design. A virtuous circle that creates “good” furniture for the environment.
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Ideas for a green Christmas atmosphere
Christmas Tree and more: find out how to decorate your home with plants in winter.
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Plants in the kitchen
Have you ever thought of putting a nice plant in the kitchen?
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Solar energy for a sustainable future
Focus on Scavolini ‘s photovoltaic power plants
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Combatting Indoor Pollution
Innovative solutions and natural remedies for a safe and healthy home
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Saving water and energy
It is important to pay particular attention to consumption especially during the summer.
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