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Küche, Living, Bad und vieles mehr: Die Welt der Stile und Trends im Scavolini Magazin! Einfach die Kategorie wählen, die Sie interessiert oder durch die für Sie ausgewählten Artikel navigieren.
Must-have outdoor furniture
Have you got an outdoor space and need ideas on how to furnish it? Then read on!
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Design & Stil
The elegance of kitchens with aluminium framed glass doors
A selection of kitchen cabinets with aluminium framed glass doors
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The kitchen sink
Which are the best kitchen sinks?
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Lacquered bathroom
Glossy and matt bathroom cabinets: lacquered finishes for a modern bathroom
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3 ideas for furnishing a modern living room
Allow our Lumina, Libra and Musa living room models to inspire you
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Design & Stil
New Mira kitchen model
Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing our new kitchen model: Mira
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Bathroom with a concealed laundry
Would you like to have a bathroom with a concealed laundry? Laundry Space is just the thing!
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Farben und Materialien
Summer coloured furniture
Welcome in the warmer weather by decorating your home with summer colours
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Coffee corner at home
Plenty of little ideas to create your own home café corner
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Setup system for the bathroom
The Setup equipped wall panel adds practicality and a touch of style to your bathroom
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Team shower or team tub?
Designer bathtubs and showers for your bathroom
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Slat doors: a popular kitchen texture
Unprecedented finishes for your kitchen: find out more about the horizontal or vertical slat door version
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