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Small kitchens with tip-top organisation

Small kitchens with tip-top organisation

Ideas for furnishing a small kitchen to suit every setting. When the space is small and... unnoticeable!

A new kitchen to furnish is an adventure and (we know this well) also quite a challenge. It may seem inevitable that you may have some difficulty furnishing a compact-sized kitchen where it always looks like there is never enough space and quite a shortage of creative solutions. But from now on, there is no need to despair! A small kitchen with appliances can become the heart of the home and ooze charm and style, in harmony with the surroundings. Let’s look at the best solutions for minimal kitchens based on individual requirements, to be designed with taste and character!

One wall with little room in front of it

Entering your new home for the first time and deciding where to install the kitchen can be a complex affair, especially if the space accommodating it is not optimal or quite compact. Modular kitchens for small spaces have one characteristic feature: they should be designed to suit individual tastes and not with standard solutions, in order to be truly functional. How? For instance, if the kitchen table is not a priority and you prefer to leave plenty of free room, then opting for a concealed model which can be used only when required is a great solution. With BoxLife, a whole array of different ideas are available to furnish a small linear kitchen: large cabinets can house an entire composition with a concealed table, including the appliances and even a laundry area complete with a washing machine and a drier!

On the other hand, when the space for the kitchen is set in a corner of the living room, you can create a versatile composition, packed with movement with elements that can be shifted around the room as you please. Diesel Social Kitchen is the ideal solution for young kitchens, allowing you to use the area in a practical and convertible way. Versatile furniture, such as trolleys, stools and containers also create space where it’s missing. In an extremely customised management of the entire functional area, for sociability that is always convertible!

Open Space, I love U

The open space concept may be slowing down in the interior design industry, but it remains the star player in modern kitchens for small spaces, like this one.
If the living area is compact, an L- or U-shaped composition allows you to exploit the hidden corners too. In fact, 2 or all 3 walls available are equipped, while the unfurnished parts can accommodate shelves, open-fronted elements or other which incorporate the kitchen functions and extend the view onto the living room or dining room.

This Urban Minimal composition features an L-shaped equipped area with wood effect base units and total-white wall units, while the cooking area features a visible hood that makes the entire kitchen light. In the middle of the room, a basic table, also total-white, completes the kitchen and makes it welcoming. A host of Urban Minimal proposals are available on Scavolini Shop Online!

What if the small kitchen needs to leave room on either side to access the hallway? In this case, you can choose a linear or corner solution, without any wall units in the transit area. An airy appearance and the division of the areas are guaranteed!

Unique style for kitchen and living room

When the room only offers one wall to be equipped, for both the kitchen and the living room, linear solutions become a game of Tetris. Modern kitchens for small spaces organised to harmonise the living room in a single composition are attractive to look at and astutely functional.
They are convenient to keep an eye on children playing in the living room while you’re cooking; to call your partner to eat when the meal is ready and to watch an episode of your favourite series while you’re planning your weekly menu. There are no limits, only stylistic choices which reflect the style of the home’s occupants.

Our suggestion is to pay particular attention to details: from the colour of the plinth to the finishes of the doors and shelves, which must accompany your days without becoming tiring. So make way for configurations with peninsulas that can be used as a table - such as this proposal of the Family model -, or on two sides - such as this Tetris model - with polished glass doors and high-impact shades of grey that guarantee brightness even if a load-bearing pillar interrupts the continuity of the interiors.

Are you looking for information about small kitchens and prices for a compact and bijou home? Browse all our solutions at Scavolini dealers!

Small kitchens with tip-top organisation