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Sind Sie auf der Suche nach neuen Ideen für die Renovierung Ihrer Wohnung oder die Umgestaltung eines bestimmten Raums? Scavolini steht Ihnen gerne mit Rat und Tat zur Seite und zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie jeden Raum so gestalten können, dass er Ihren Bedürfnissen in Bezug auf Platz, Stil und Funktionalität entspricht.
Accessories for a more comfortable kitchen
Accessory models that make the most of the available space, because design doesn’t only mean beauty, but also and most of all concreteness and functionality.
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Living room: various types of equipped walls
With a load-bearing side panel, wall panelling or independent modules. A variety of solutions for all needs.
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Spotlight on kitchen handles and recessed grip profile
It’s the details that make the difference Handles add style to a room and help renovate the kitchen.
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When the kitchen is rectangular
How to plan your kitchen according to its size. Let’s start with a long, narrow kitchen.
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Modular kitchens for all needs
Versatility, broad range and impeccable design: modular kitchens are designed to adapt to any setting, combining styling with functionality.
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Casa piccola? Idee e soluzioni salvaspazio in cucina
Consigli utili da mettere in pratica per avere più organizzazione e ordine fra le mura domestiche.
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Meeting your Architect
Here’s how you can work together with your designer to create the house of your dreams.
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Find out if you have room for an island
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Furnishing between the kitchen and the living room...
the "business card" for your house
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Inside the drawer
All your tools within reach
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Pleasant surprises in store inside the Switch cupboard
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New kitchen: how to stay within budget?
Unexpected costs that make the budget available rise considerably? How can this be avoided?
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