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Möchten Sie Ihre Küche, Ihr Living, Ihr Badezimmer oder Ihr Schlafzimmer neu einrichten? Gestalten Sie Ihr Zuhause mit Scavolini: Lassen Sie sich von unseren Einrichtungsvorschlägen inspirieren, lassen Sie sich von den multifunktionalen Modulen überraschen und lassen Sie Ihrer Fantasie freien Lauf, um Räume zu schaffen, die Sie widerspiegeln.
3 tables, 3 different souls
Focus on the new table collection: introducing Manhattan, Infinity and Metropolis
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Exploiting a niche in your kitchen wall
What can you fit in a wall niche?
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Home bar corner
What do you need to set up a bar corner at home? Here are our tips on how best to organise stemmed glasses and bottles!
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Furnishing the attic
3 ideas to transform your attic and even make the most of low ceilings
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A kitchen with open modules or closed doors?
Open-fronted elements or wall units with doors for your kitchen composition? Why not go for both!
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Bewitching bathroom wall panelling
Make your bathroom more welcoming with wall panelling
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What’s the best style to furnish a mountain home?
Tips and solutions to plan the interiors of your mountain home
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Where to store books
Modern bookcases and other solutions to arrange books if you don’t have a bookcase
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How to clad your bathroom walls
Bathrooms require a choice of wall cladding that’s spot-on
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Matching kitchen and bathroom
Complete solutions for the kitchen and bathroom
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Furnishing two types of bathroom: the family bathroom and the cloakroom
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How to create a barbecue area for your outdoor kitchen
Here are some photos and ideas to furnish your outdoor kitchen this summer
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