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Entdecken Sie die Einrichtungsstile von Scavolini und lassen Sie sich von unserer Auswahl an Küchen, Livings, Badezimmern, Schrankräumen und Multifunktionssystemen inspirieren. Kombinieren Sie die verschiedenen Einrichtungsstile und schaffen Sie so noch originellere und individuellere Kompositionen.
Design & Stil
The beauty boudoir: an ultra-classic or classic-contemporary bathroom
“Highlander” style bathroom furniture: a timeless classic. To be chosen pure or mixed with splashes of contemporary verve. The elegance of uniqueness.
Allen lesen
Design & Stil
Generations compared: Dandy and Dandy Plus
A story that began in the past is given a new lease on life with present-day technologies. Dandy and Dandy Plus: two models with a pop soul!
Allen lesen
Design & Stil
The mesmerising effects of bathroom coverings
Clean surfaces, prized decorations and natural inspiration. The well-being boudoir welcomes some unprecedented functions thanks to coverings devised specifically for the bathroom.
Allen lesen
Design & Stil
Formalia, the pure form of elegance
The elegance of settings furnished with Scavolini’s new kitchen and living room model. Streamlined silhouettes and versatile furniture that accommodate unprecedented colours.
Allen lesen
Design & Stil
60 years of history together
The kitchen first and the modern-day total look home: a story of faith and passion which illustrates how, from the kitchen to the bathroom, the walk-in wardrobe and the living room, we have become a home, together!
Allen lesen
Design & Stil
Hi-tech solutions in the kitchen
6 ideas from the future to enjoy your kitchen smartly.
Allen lesen
Design & Stil
Bathroom cabinet opening systems
Handles, recessed grip profiles, an array of solutions for every taste and requirement
Allen lesen
Design & Stil
The built-in sink, a stylish choice in any kitchen
Sophistication and striking simplicity for sociability oozing contemporary style
Allen lesen
Design & Stil
One kitchen, many kitchens
Models capable of catering to various tastes
Allen lesen
Design & Stil
Dandy Plus, the bathroom with something extra
High-tech, interactive, smart: bathroom furniture with all the advantages to accommodate the need for contemporary lifestyles.
Allen lesen
Design & Stil
Dandy Plus: smart design to meet all needs
When a mealtime is looming, the question is always the same: what’s on the menu? With the new Dandy Plus collection designed by Fabio Novembre, there’s always an answer to that question!
Allen lesen
Design & Stil
Design Made in Italy signed and starred!
Design, haute cuisine and fashion. When these three elements create mesmerising and highly functional projects.
Allen lesen