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3 mistakes to avoid when furnishing modern kitchens

3 mistakes to avoid when furnishing modern kitchens

Is yours a minimalist kitchen? Avoid these mistakes

Achieving a minimalist kitchen seems like a breeze: eliminate the clutter, embrace neutral tones, and opt for sleek silhouettes. Simple, right? It's not quite that simple. Anyone who has chosen this style knows that while a minimalist furnishing style is synonymous with simplicity, it's actually far from easy to achieve. Worried your modern kitchen design might go wrong? You've come to the right place: here are the top 3 mistakes people make when designing a minimalist kitchen, plus advice on how to avoid them.

1. Less is more...But not always!

Minimalism teaches us to eliminate excess, but when it comes to a kitchen, we mustn't forget that it's primarily a workspace and as such needs a certain amount of “equipment”.
Want a beautiful kitchen that's also practical? Here's how to avoid the common pitfall of prioritising aesthetics over functionality Keep your kitchen efficient by ensuring you have plenty of workspace, smart storage solutions, and all your essential utensils, pots and pans within arm's reach.

One extra piece of advice: keep your kitchen feeling serene, clean and minimalist by regularly organising your larder and optimising space inside your wall units to keep everything tidy and easily accessible.

2. Zero customisation

Minimalist doesn't mean characterless: it's fine to reduce furniture to the essentials, but remember to add your personal touch, for example by placing an aromatic plant on the windowsill, setting a colourful table, arranging your favourite cookbooks or displaying a beautiful marble chopping board. Did you know that natural materials, like light wood or stone, are great for warming up a space without sacrificing the simplicity of minimalism? Your kitchen should be a warm and inviting space, not cold and sterile.

3. Lacklustre lighting

In minimalist design, lighting also plays a crucial role: you wouldn't want to neglect it, would you? There are two main pitfalls when it comes to lighting: underestimating its importance and ending up with a gloomy, impractical kitchen, or going overboard with harsh, cold lights that feel more like a hospital waiting room than a home. The solution? Customise your lighting experience with dimmable and directional lights. Control the intensity and angle of the light to suit your every need.

3 mistakes to avoid when furnishing modern kitchens