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Exploiting a niche in your kitchen wall

Exploiting a niche in your kitchen wall

What can you fit in a wall niche?

Have you come across a niche in the wall of your new kitchen and are unsure what to do with it? Every nook and cranny can be turned into an opportunity to create more space and add style to your kitchen. So here are 3 ideas to furnish a niche in the kitchen!

1. Shelves and ledges

One of the simplest and most practical solutions to fill a wall niche, especially if it is quite shallow, is to use shelves, on which to place decorative objects, crockery, cookware, herbs and spices or small appliances. Our advice? Choose materials and colours that match the style of your kitchen or opt for contrasting finishes instead, for instance going for a wood effect to make the atmosphere all the more welcoming.

2. Coffee corner

What better to place in kitchen niche than a fantastic coffee machine? The idea here is to turn the niche into a small café corner, where you can enjoy your favourite blend in peace and quiet. Install a storage cabinet with open-fronted shelving to store your coffee cups, sugar pot, chocolates and biscuits and everything you may need to make your coffee break more special. This solution is extremely on-trend in modern kitchens and adds personality to your interiors.

3. Reading corner

Do you usually check your grandmother’s old notes for your recipes or do you draw your inspiration from a food blogger? Before you start baking, check the cooking times in your favourite recipe book, turning your wall niche into a mini built-in bookcase: just set up several modules to house your recipe books, cooking magazines or any other volume you deem relevant. If they inspire you as you search for the secret ingredient, you could even put some mystery novels in there too!

Furnishing advice
Exploiting a niche in your kitchen wall