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Book shelf or Foodshelf?!

Book shelf or Foodshelf?!

A perfect balance of state-of-the-art function and minimalist aesthetic (given warmth by the choice of materials) in a collection that never fails to intrigue and surprise

Like a latest-generation bookshelf, the Foodshelf kitchen - in which the French designer’s creativity of genius and Scavolini’s vast experience combine to perfection - features a "new horizontal linearity". It is centred on a series of woodlook shelves that run the entire length of the kitchen and living area, acquiring different functions in the various points (worktop, strip underneath the base units, or as shelves fitted below and above the wall units.)

New horizontal linearity

The living room merges with the kitchen and affects it with its compositions and configurations, with an array of blocks and voids and, most of all, with a dynamic use of wood effect shelves which can be used as worktops or a strip underneath the base units or shelves to match the wall units. This is a step away from the typical vertical look of traditional kitchens, giving rise to a "new horizontal linearity".
Wall units and base units of various sizes, heights and finishes can be placed on the shelves and strips. This makes for a kitchen that stands out, retaining all the functionality of the work areas.

INside or OUTside?

Foodshelf is "inside": the absence of handle elements in the fronts distinguishes this kitchen model to create a style that oozes clean-cut linearity. The door processing makes the base units easy to open thanks to a 45-degree grip. This type of feature is a perfect partner for the horizontal linearity introduced with this model, rewarding the value of continuity, a neat and tidy appearance and the uniformity of modules and spaces.

Foodshelf is "outside"the kitchen can be customised also thanks to the attractive handles, with their exclusive design, which are available in the four shades of decorative melamine available for this model (Pure White, Seagull Grey, Flint Grey and Earth Grey) or alternatively in satin-finish or chrome-finish.

The Network support

The new star feature in Foodshelf design is the Network support: a loop with a rectangular profile that runs through the entire depth of the unit.  

The distinctive graphic detail of the new Network support gives lightness to the integrated work table and adds a really personal, trendy touch to the composition.

Design & Style
Book shelf or Foodshelf?!