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A convivial kitchen

A convivial kitchen

Reflections on the development of a new concept of home

To take note of this phenomenon just look around in any furniture fair, or just browse any trade magazine.
It doesn't take long to realize that, together with the design of furniture and accessories, it is the very concept of home that is evolving to become something characteristics of our times.
In fact, it is becoming more and more a place where conviviality is favoured, in a perfect balance between private dimension (characterized then by elements and furnishings chosen according to your personal taste) and the social environment for receiving and getting together with friends.

Everyone has at home a place to often go to take refuge, to feel better: the kitchen has become just that, a place where you're together as much as possible and not solely just to prepare and eat meals.

Appliances and lighting

The technology is also adjusted according to this concept: small and large appliances, for example, in addition to being better performing, somewhat most importantly they now have a look that makes them appealing to the eyes.
Among the many products that can offer a reliable guarantee of functionality, we tend to choose the one with a design that satisfies us most and manages to aesthetically harmonize with the new concept of the "broadened" environment.
Similar transformations can also be found within the field of light.
Lamps and pendant lamps are always present, but the current trend is one that leads to an increasing integration between lighting and architecture.
In this way peripheral angles are enhanced, furniture details are emphasized with carefully designed and choreographed lighting.
The light becomes a new element of interior design, which in addition to its natural function, should contribute to creating a pleasant and friendly environment perfectly suitable for social interaction.

Kitchen and living area

The kitchen has always been the hub of the home, a place where the family has gathered.
Even today it’s the same, the difference is that now you often choose to also welcome guests, to chat and entertain while preparing something to eat, in the meanwhile having a good time.
Everyone has at home a place to often go to take refuge, to feel better: the kitchen has become just that, a place where you're together as much as possible and not solely just to prepare and eat meals.

The domestic environment, the place for well being par excellence, it is becoming more and more a favoured place for socializing, where to interact and share passions and preferences with the family and especially with friends.
It is no coincidence that today the architectural organization of new houses will plan increasingly open kitchens which are in connection with the rest of the house, especially the living area, which acquires a new centrality.
It is right here where real entertainment along with internal communication between family and also with guests takes place.
Even the furniture adapts to these new requirements.

Even the furniture adapts to these new requirements.
In "open space" solutions, becoming widespread because of the continued reduction of the apartment sizes, it is not uncommon to find spacious and comfortable sofas adjacent to the kitchen with dimensions well in excess of those required for sole inhabitants.
To delineate area separations instead, elements such as islands, peninsulas or equipped partitions (like a bookcase, for example) are used.
The modern furnishing solutions indeed tend to augment homogeneous aspects of the different rooms of the house, since each room is no longer tied to a single specific function.
Similarly the styles get combined: classical, ethnic, exotic, and so forth, are today absorbed and reworked in design trends to create each time a unique style, which manages to match to the highest degree the tastes and the personality of the person who chooses it.
A convivial kitchen