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Store Things in the Right Places

Store Things in the Right Places

Five simple suggestions for reorganizing the space in your kitchen

Only after great efforts does your kitchen return to looking orderly, and yet it doesn't seem to you that you lack space for storing the things you use.
What you may need could just be a touch of organisation and a healthy application of common sense.

How many bizzare appliances do you cram into your cupboards, thinking that sooner or later they might be useful? Confusion in the kitchen is often caused by the mountain of accessories you keep there that you don't use.

Make an honest selection

How many bizzare appliances do you cram into your cupboards, thinking that sooner or later they might be useful?
Try reflecting for a moment on how many times you have used this type of accessory in the last three or four years.
If the answer is "never" or even "once" maybe you should admit that if you eliminate them from the list of your personal tools, you might not miss them.
Confusion in the kitchen is often caused by the mountain of accessories you keep there that you don't use.
These are the objects that rob space from the storage of really indispensable objects, which are often forced to "live" more or less permanently on the counter or table top.

Arrange according to logic...

As soon as you've reduced your personal inventory to the really necessary, you need to store it in places that make the greatest sense for you.
For example, keep glasses and cups near the refrigerator or sink; the ladles, spices and plates near the cooking range; the tea cups and coffee mugs near the coffee machine, and so on.

... and preferences

The greater frequency with which you use one set of dishes or a cup or spoon as opposed to another is obviously dictated by your personal preferences. In this case, it might be useful to put all your favorite objects in the front part of your cupboards, so that they are easily accessible as soon as you open the door.
The bulkier pots and the infrequently used appliances (like the pop-corn machine, for example) can safely survive in the background and they will not impede your daily movements.

Use hidden spaces

It's used more and more in modern kitchens, because it is undeniably a perfect way for maintaining order while keeping the most often used accessories within reach: a hanging tool rack with hooks (where you can hang cups and small tools) between cupboards and base units, is an extremely useful accessory; it exploits space normally forgotten in the furniture design.
If on the other hand, your kitchen has a central island counter, you can take advantage of that by hanging a tool rack from above, where you can store pots, pans, ladles, etc.

A bit of order among your papers

Do your take-out menus accumulate in a heap with the recipes you've torn out of magazines and newspapers at a friend's house?
To prevent your work surface from becoming something like a large messy desk, you need not get rid of everything.
Just divide the documents you want to keep into categories, put them in coloured containers (to distinguish them) and place them next to your recipe files.
Store Things in the Right Places