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Move around comfortably in the kitchen

Move around comfortably in the kitchen

Move around comfortably in the kitchen

It is therefore essential to thoroughly analyse the space in order to prevent design errors and the risk of accidents.

It is important to have enough space to move around, while the furniture items should not be too far apart. Thus you may reduce your movements and always have a support point close by.

Designing according to the available space

When designing a kitchen environment, besides choosing beautiful furniture items, you should also consider the amount of space available.
It is important to have enough space to move around, while the furniture items should not be too far apart: in this way, you may reduce your movements and always have a support point close by.
The ideal solution would be to arrange the work area so that all the elements - refrigerator, worktop, cooker hob and sink – are easily accessible in relation to the common food preparation stages.

If there are any corners, you may exploit them as a worktop or support surface, especially when the cooker hob or sink are installed nearby.

Instead household appliances and drawer units must be designed in such a way that their opening does not hamper access to the other elements.

In this case, you may choose a cabinet with inner swivel or pull-out baskets, a practical solution for rapidly getting the items you require.

The right height

How often have you struggled when bending over to switch on the oven or check the cooking?

To overcome these uncomfortable movements, we recommend inserting household appliances in a column lying level with your head.

In this way, you can work comfortably without having to bend down.

Moreover, by placing the oven higher – and thus out of reach of children – you may avoid the risk of accidental burns.

Drawers that make your life easier

How often have you risked damaging your drawer by closing it too quickly?
Scavolini drawers are designed and tested to close at the slight push of the hand, as if you were accompanying them.
Moreover, they stop on their own at the right time.
By choosing elements of this kind, moving around the kitchen (even when you are in a big hurry) will never be dangerous for you or your cabinets.
Move around comfortably in the kitchen