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How to perfume the kitchen

How to perfume the kitchen

Suggestions for choosing and creating natural deodorants

In spring, when nature reawakens, we are surrounded by the many scents of flowers.

How can you introduce this wave of pleasant fragrances into your kitchen? Simple, by choosing the right fragrances. Here’s how.

What is the right perfume for the kitchen?

The sense of smell is the most influential sense in determining our feeling of well-being or annoyance.
As a result, it is important to be surrounded by pleasant odours at home and elsewhere.
As every environment must obey certain rules, so we should bear in mind that the dining room and kitchen must mainly stimulate our appetite.
In general, a pleasant aroma in the kitchen stems from the absence of excessively strong odours.
Therefore, besides always using the cooker hood, the rule is to avoid strong fragrances by preferring odour-absorbing deodorants capable of eliminating the most annoying odours.

Natural deodorants for the kitchen

Another useful suggestion is to clean the kitchen with perfumed, but natural, deodorants.
This will enable you to delicately perfume the air.
You may also create do-it-yourself natural deodorants.
For example, boiling water with vinegar, lemon thyme and mint will diffuse a pleasant odour in the environment.
If instead you require a deodorising detergent for surfaces, you can mix water, a lemon peel, a few drops of cedar wood and eucalyptus essential oil, a bit of methylated spirits and a spoon of baking soda.
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How to perfume the kitchen