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Cleaning the oven the natural way

Cleaning the oven the natural way

Some valuable advice for environmentally-friendly cleaning

One of the least pleasant household chores is cleaning the oven.

Oven cleaning, can be guaranteed by completely natural, environmentally-friendly products yielding an impeccable result with zero impact on the environment.

Choose ecological degreasers

There are a great many products available on the market for cleaning the oven and the choice needs to be made carefully.
Avoid polluting degreasers that can leave toxic residues inside the oven, which may affect the integrity of food during subsequent cooking.
Only choose ecological, biodegradable products with cleaning power that equals or even betters that of the pollutants, but which do not produce any type of potentially harmful residue.

Give the oven a scrub

By mixing water, salt and bicarbonate, you will have an effective natural way to clean the oven.
Mix a cup of salt, one of bicarbonate and one of water until you get a proper abrasive paste.
Spread it over the oven walls and leave to act for about an hour before removing it gently with a damp cloth.

Ask vinegar for help

Our “grandmother’s remedies” to clean the oven include the highly effective vinegar.
Cider or wine vinegar, in fact, is an excellent ally in cleaning your oven, and one that is entirely natural and eco-sustainable.
Simply heat a steel pan containing a little water and a large glass of vinegar.
When the water starts to boil, very carefully place it in the oven, which must be on at 100 degrees, and leave both to heat for 15 minutes.
Then take an abrasive sponge imbued in the mixture of water and vinegar to clean the oven, taking care not to scratch the walls.

Use lemon to eliminate unpleasant odours

To get rid of unpleasant odours inside the oven, ask nature for help.
Squeeze three lemons inside a container and heat inside the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees.
Turn the oven off and leave the lemon juice for a good hour in the oven in order that it is able to capture the unpleasant fragrances and release a fresh aroma.
You can also use the lemon by rubbing it gently on the oven walls if the dirt is not particularly burnt on.
Oven cleaning can therefore be guaranteed by completely natural, environmentally-friendly products yielding an impeccable result with zero impact on the environment.

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Cleaning the oven the natural way