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Modular kitchen between plinths and wall hung units

Modular kitchen between plinths and wall hung units

The characteristics of the two solutions

When selecting the furniture for your kitchen and living room you are faced with a multitude of aesthetic and functional details to consider.
One of these is whether or not to have a supporting system.
Trend variations that you can choose from are plinth or wall-hung units, two solutions that have different characteristics and present specific advantages.

The plint is an evolved solution from a functional point of view: it allows you to improve the use of the internal space of the cupboard up to a few inches off the ground.

The plinth

Among the more common solutions, can be achieved trough different materials and having different heights.
Its position is also important: it should be sufficiently set back to allow the most ergonomic and correct positioning for the person occupying the working area.

- it is an evolved solution from a functional point of view: it allows you to improve the use of the internal space of the cupboard up to a few inches off the ground;

- by gaining space, it facilitates the organization and insertion of any type of appliance;
- plinths are not fixed: they can be easily removed and reassembled to allow cleaning under the furniture during a “thorough” cleaning session;
- from an aesthetics point of view they ensure a greater harmony and linearity between the various parts of the kitchen (for example: in a modern kitchen, an aluminium plinth with a steel coloured finish successfully matches appliances with a stainless steel look, tops or back panels, etc.).

Wall hung units

In many living room compositions that are combined with modern kitchens, “wall hung” are often preferred to furniture with plinth. This solution involves: - a lighter composition, which reduces bulk perception;
- improved hygiene, because the floor underneath the furniture is easily accessible for cleaning operations;
- the option of not having to level the kitchen in case of uneven floor

Modular kitchen between plinths and wall hung units