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Wallpaper? Remove it Yourself

Wallpaper? Remove it Yourself

How to redecorate your house walls all by yourself

A few simple instructions will make removing that old wallpaper from your newly-rented or bought house, child's play.
Find out just what to do in a few, simple steps.
Once the work is finished the satisfaction will be priceless.

First of all equip yourself with a few fundamental tools that will prove useful throughout the various stages involved.Today, chemical products and solvents are available to facilitate the removal of wallpaper.

Stage 1: the right (ecological) tools

First of all equip yourself with a few fundamental tools that will prove useful throughout the various stages involved: gloves, bowl, stepladder, paintbrush or roller, putty knife.
Today, chemical products and solvents are available to facilitate the removal of wallpaper, but if you are firm in your ecological standpoint, and you do not mind spending a little extra time for the sake of the environment, water is the perfect solution.

Stage 2: remove and wait

Now continue as follows.
Spread a plastic sheet or old newspapers out over the floor and fill a bowl with warm water.
Immerse the roller in it and wet the wall until the wallpaper is completely damp.
Take care not to soften it too much or you will find it tearing into thousands of little pieces.
Wait from half an hour to an hour before attempting to remove it: the exact time will vary depending on the type of wallpaper and room temperature.

Stage 3: redecorate those walls

Use the putty knife to start removing the paper from one corner of the wall.
If the time is right, it will pull off very easily.
Once you have finished, the walls may require some maintenance work.
It is usually simply a matter of levelling them with plaster to cover up any holes and sanding once the plaster is dry.
You now have 'new' walls, all ready for frescoes, for modernisation with imaginative solutions or repapering with that 100%-DIY brand new wallpaper.
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Wallpaper? Remove it Yourself