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Studio Rainlight

Studio Rainlight

"BoxLife is designed to accommodate a variety of needs; a timely requirement of today’s modern living spaces which call for limitless adaptability from their discerning inhabitants.
BoxLife is a system that adapts to many applications, from large lofts to small studio flats, transforming and storing away, as need be. BoxLife allows the same space to simultaneously serve a variety of purposes. A place to cook, work, sleep, do your laundry and store your wardrobe, a haven to relax; BoxLife facilitates the harmonious coexistence of each “component” with the others."
Yorgo Lykouria, Rainlight Studio

Rainlight is an integrated design studio operating between offices in London and New York with client collaborations across North America, Europe, and Asia.

Part Laboratory, part workshop, part studio, Rainlight combines inspired design thinking with business acumen to create products that enhance how people live, work, and play in the real world. We discover the needs of a changing world through cross‐cultural research utilizing our extensive network of experts in various market sectors.

Studio Rainlight