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Silvano Barsacchi

Silvano Barsacchi

The object is born from the idea and the idea from the object

Silvano Barsacchi presents Mood

"The subject is born from an idea and the idea from the subject...the Mood kitchen expresses personality, good taste and elegance...it becomes the centre of attention in the modern house, an idea of living in tune with the present day and the beauty of life." 
Silvano Barsacchi

Designer Silvano Barsacchi defines himself as a technician-stylist. His work as an industrial designer concentrates on the identification and development of innovative raw materials, generating a creative philosophy within which the design process gives an object an original, stylish form that never prevails over its function. This designer styles and engineers the prototype with close reference to existing living spaces, in search of practicality and simple lines. He works on interior architecture, the interior design of shops and showrooms, and furnishings and articles for the home of all kinds, such as furniture and accessories mainly for kitchens, bedrooms and living areas, as well as office and boardroom furnishing systems. With their outstanding contents and creative spirit, his innovative, original designs are produced and distributed by the sector’s leading companies in Italy and world-wide.

Silvano Barsacchi