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kitchen, living-room & bathroom: the advantages of hanging units

kitchen, living-room & bathroom: the advantages of hanging units

The ideal solution for those who love space optimization, style and comfort for cleaning

The list of furnishing trends which have also involved kitchen living-room and bathroom includes the one encompassing units and appliances which are suspended above the floor.
If you choose hanging solution you should also bear in mind that, as well as the weight of the wall-mounted cupboards themselves, it will be important to take account of the weight they need to support; you therefore need to be sure that your wall is strong enough!
What are the advantages? Let's take a look together.

Hanging rooms…

Furniture which does not touch the ground is particularly popular; after first appearing in the bathroom, it has also spread to the kitchen and living room.
It is impossible not to notice the appealing visual effect offered by this composition: equipped wall-mounted lighten the overall perception, conveying this sense of lightness to the entire room.
A cooker hood, can be suspended like a light: often the island dedicated to the preparation of meals is equipped with a suspended model which becomes a central feature of the room.

Even in the living area you can use hanging cupboard.
It is a solution which, combined with the cabinets designed with the same concept in mind, creates an unusual optical effect, almost as if the cupboard is fixed to the wall like a picture.

The advantages for you

In everyday life, the main advantage of this composition is its guarantee of total cleanliness.
Without plinths or feet, cleaning the kitchen or living room floor is a lot easier and more hygienic, because all places can be reached with much less effort.
Cleaning the space under a unit thoroughly, obviously only if we are talking about elements which can be moved, requires a great deal of effort and is not always possible. 

kitchen, living-room & bathroom: the advantages of hanging units