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Ideas for a smart home

Ideas for a smart home

As comfortable as in the office with solutions to be configured to suit your needs

Working conveniently from home can be a way to manage time and tasks with greater autonomy, as well as to keep both your work life and your domestic life under control. Nevertheless, it is important that you organise spaces and their functions in a smart way, so you can still feel “at home” nonetheless. We have put together three versatile and bespoke custom-sized furniture solutions for those who want to live and work “smart”. Let’s look closely at which one best suits your needs.

Technology comes to our aid

The phone is ringing, an e-mail pops into your inbox or you need to schedule a meeting: with Dandy Plus, working from home is undoubtedly smart thanks to the practical multi-functional Task Bar with built-in Alexa. This way, managing your commitments, work-related and otherwise, will be so much easier, simply by voice.


Dandy Plus, which is available for kitchen, living room and bathroom furnishings, becomes an extension of your personal style thanks to the various customisation possibilities, in terms of colour, functionality and technology, to be picked to suit your own style. The furnishings stand out for their minimalist taste, with a modern and sinuous bridge structure, and with bright colours with a contemporary soul, that furnish the setting while bringing it to life.


An attractive and smart vision of Italian design, resulting from the partnership with Fabio Novembre, and devised to meet all needs!

One room, several functions

A home office can be difficult to plan, especially when the square footage available is a battle, as it never seems to be enough. BoxLife plays with space and turns it into a multi-functional location thanks to sliding panelling which reveals hidden rooms and furniture. This way, you could make room for a small desk, for example, or for a separate area, set aside from the indiscreet eyes of curious tots.

Using dedicated recessed handles, the panels slide along, while the inner lighting creates high-impact atmospheres. In one smooth glide, the doors are closed and you can forget about the furniture behind them until you need it again.


For those who mix their work life with their private one in their study or office, you can make room for an entire kitchen, a table with chairs or a concealed bed to be used only when necessary.

Double-sided elements

Sometimes organising the home means knowing how to make the best of each room and the possible functions it can hold. With smooth systems that make it possible to define settings from various angles and to transform space with free-standing partitions to be designed on both sides with separate, independent functions.

Elements which divide without hiding, open-fronted compartments and doors, monitors or TVs, small ornaments and much more, furnish the space and distinguish it in a spatial continuum that tells the tale from two perspectives.

This way, you’ll find the right amount of privacy for business calls and video conferences, while keeping an eye on what goes on on the other side of the partition.

Design your space in a smart way with the custom-sized solutions for your furnishings.
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Ideas for a smart home