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How to place your TV in the kitchen

How to place your TV in the kitchen

Tips and ideas for putting your TV in the right place

A television in the kitchen lets you follow your favorite program while cooking, or eat a meal while watching a good movie. There are different ways to place a TV in a kitchen; here are some important guidelines for positioning it in the best way.

Whatever type of television you may have, you will have to avoid bright reflections, don't place the TV in front of a window, especially if the window faces south and is brightly illuminated by the sun.

Ideas for placing it

In many kitchen designs today there are innovative cabinets that you can use for housing a television.
These designs, coordinated with the rest of the kitchen are perfect for open space kitchen-living rooms or if you have a very large room.
In the photo on the right, open shelves provide an ample central space for a TV, or a stereo or a DVD player for that matter.

Whatever your television, you will need to pay attention to reflections: it’s better to avoid placing it in front of windows, especially if facing south and then brightly lit by the sun, or other artificial light sources.< /br> A lamp – placed on the side or above the television - is recommended if you think you’ll watch your favorite shows even in the dark, perhaps after dinner. A soft light helps not to strain the eyes.

If you have a Plasma or LCD model , you can - and you should - take into account some aspects that case of traditional televisions could be neglected.

The main advantage is that these types of tv can also be mounted on the wall, at any point of the kitchen. However, LCD devices have a limited viewing angle; therefore, in order to have images of perfect quality, viewers will have to sit as much as possible in front of the screen.

How to place your TV in the kitchen