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How to blend different styles in the kitchen

How to blend different styles in the kitchen

Today's trend goes by the name of 'mix and match'

The latest trend to flood the world of furnishing goes by the name of 'mix and match' or 'cross over' and talks about cross contaminations and blended styles.

The kitchen is an environment that consists of a great many different elements. This characteristic can be exploited positively to create experimental matches that can also be in great contrast.

Blends of different materials

The kitchen is an environment that consists of a great many different elements – doors, shelves, electrical appliances – often in different materials.

This characteristic can be exploited positively to create experimental matches that can also be in great contrast.

If wood and tiles are a winning team, equally steel and wood can rise to this challenge.

In the example shown, modern steel electrical appliances integrate perfectly in the wooden unit, creating a sort of modern-country effect.

Transversal furniture

In the kitchen, and particularly for open-space environments, multipurpose furniture is much in demand.
We are talking about cupboards, elements that are now available in a huge range of different models.
These 'bridging elements' between the two environments are very useful for different reasons: they add storage space, can become a natural 'separé' between the two areas or, on the contrary, an important joining solution.

Contrast also accentuates style

In an ambiance where contrasts of materials and colours are often used, choosing the right details can help emphasise the style.
When, as we were explaining previously, wood is set alongside modern steel, a unique effect can be obtained with a classic accessory such as a chandelier or lamp (coordinated with the wood and in contrast with the steel).
In a super-decorated kitchen, the result is one of perfect balance if blended with shades (in the walls and floors) that are far more minimal.
But there is nothing to stop us taking absolute liberties with accessories like small vintage electrical appliances.

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How to blend different styles in the kitchen