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Easy, your first Scavolini

Easy, your first Scavolini

Would you like a major brand kitchen with no budget problems?

The major changes under way today are affecting many areas of society worldwide. Home furniture buying and use habits are changing. Many categories of consumers are becoming more price-conscious, and are demanding genuine performance, services, real quality, style and innovation.

Four models for a programm that includes a number of solutions that meet the needs of the majority of consumers and simplify the selection and design procedure. Scavolini Easy is a line of fitted kitchens designed and produced by Scavolini to offer young consumers, experiencing both the excitement and the problems of furnishing their first home and very aware of value for money, kitchens of genuine quality, manufactured and guaranteed by a top company, at an amazingly affordable price.


It is a model with the restrained style typical of functional kitchens: the plain, almost bare lines of the doors and horizontal surfaces form units with simple forms, interrupted only by the handle.
Apart from its simple, square doors, its key features include shelves and, the basis for attractive alternations of solid blocks and open sections. Tall and wall units of different heights and shaped peninsulas provide for compositions that fit cleverly into spaces, almost as if tailor-made units. The range of lacquered and melamine finishes focuses on white, the key colour in minimalist design. However, shelves and units with a touch of colour and Wood Melamine finishes belie the kitchen’s severity and allow scope for imagination and originality.
The result is a well-structured modular kitchen with an impressive overall impact: the genuine Scavolini look.

Urban Minimal, a large simple kitchen

A kitchen corner in an open-space room that includes a multi-purpose living area. For people who still choose to dedicate time and space to cooking, even though their kitchen and living area share the same room.
Urban Minimal is a strikingly attractive solution. The lack of handles makes the base and wall units less obviously “kitcheny” in style and enables the units and larders to dialogue more closely with the living area, creating a greater stylistic unity. What’s more, the handle groove is a feature that fits perfectly into the current trend towards a simpler furnishing style.

Colony, a modern reworking of classical style

Colony is a model vaguely romantic in taste. This is reflected above all in the doors, with a slight frame merging into the central panel designed in a slender trim. The slightly arched handles provide a firm grip and also recall the kitchens of days gone by, such as country kitchens.
With Colony, the Scavolini Easy line opens out to allow a little nostalgia for a number of traditional stylistic features such as the framed door. But here, the framed door is simplified, with no rounding or ornamentation, to meet the taste of young consumers or fit more effectively into a home in the country, where closeness to nature combines with a preference for more modem styles. The assortment of finishes and colours also underlines a preference for this design language, firmly rooted in the present in spite of its glances back towards the past.

Family, simplicity and elegance

The Family model is all this and more, having been designed for those who enjoy design without forgetting about the sense of familiarity in kitchen furniture.

Its main feature is the frame door with central panel which lends the kitchen an aptly named “family” feeling. The Snow Larch colour reinterprets this model with a modern twist, resulting in a balance of shapes and colours in keeping with contemporary trends. The new Aztec Oak decorative melamine is also a useful ally for those customers who enjoy the modern take on “classic”, a look that is enhanced by the blend of materials and colours which express character.
Diseño y Estilo
Easy, your first Scavolini