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Correct lighting solution

Correct lighting solution

How light defines the purpose of a room

Each room of the house needs appropriate lighting.
Architects and designers devote special attention to this aspect of design, aiming to blend aesthetics with the practical demands of individual areas

To make the hall as welcoming as possible we will need an intense, warm light. In modern homes, the latest trend is to use spotlights.

Entrance hall

It is important to start off as you mean to go on.

To do so, we have to begin with the place that takes us from the outside into the house.

To make the hall as welcoming as possible – to us and our guests - we will need an intense, warm light. In modern homes, the latest trend is to use spotlights.
There are all sorts of designs and sizes available that can either be built into plasterboard supports (perfect for ceilings at least 3 metres high) or arranged as a track.
For classic homes, the best option is to go for wall lamps matched to a ceiling lamp for a diffused light effect.

Living room

Where can we relax, read, watch the television or welcome our friends if not in the living room?

For maximum comfort in this multipurpose environment, designers recommend general lighting with multiple lighting points using wall lamps or spotlights and floor lamps.

To define the corners of each activity, we will need a suspended ceiling light for the dining area, picture lights to highlight decorative objects and reading lamps.


This is the room that most needs a good blend of welcoming and practical lighting solutions.

Diffused lighting can be provided by a central ceiling light and spotlights above the wall units, whereas the lighting of the work area is extremely important to allow you to move through the various activities as easily as possible: room should therefore be left for direct lights such as adjustable spotlights or fluorescent tubes fitted beneath the wall units.

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Correct lighting solution