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In the kitchen...not just chairs

In the kitchen...not just chairs

Stools too, in all materials and colours, creating special corners for sitting together

The concept of the “expanded” kitchen that has gained ground during the last few years offers a wealth of options for an imaginative rethink of the furniture layout. For example, the new spaces happily accommodate interesting alternatives to traditional seating. We mean the standard chairs around the kitchen table, where family meals are eaten. But nowadays this is not all people do in the kitchen: lots of people use them every day for a pre-dinner drink with friends or a quick snack together, and with this in mind they add casual “corners” with kitchen stools of more and more attractive design.

Kitchen island stools

Wood, straw and upholstery

Even within the classical style, design becomes simpler and reflects a new way of conceiving and using even a kitchen with more traditional lines.

Preferably in wood, in delicate colours and with upholstered or straw seats, stools become an excellent solution, even for more classical kitchens.

Both country and traditional styles may also include an island or peninsula in the kitchen/living area, to be completed with stools in which wood predominates. 

In the kitchen...not just chairs