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Adjusting the Light Intensity

Adjusting the Light Intensity

When planning the lighting in your home, you also need to consider the light intensity required in each room.
This factor can be influenced by the room itself, as well as the furniture in it.

When choosing lamps and spotlights, make your evaluation based on the absence of natural light.
This will help you find out whether they are capable of lighting the room adequately.

The importance of the room and its furniture
First, you need to be aware that the light required should be researched on the basis of the "worst" conditions, i.e. night-time.
When choosing lamps and spotlights, make your evaluation based on the absence of natural light: this will help you find out whether they are capable of lighting the room adequately.
The second thing to bear in mind is that surfaces can influence lighting: when a beam of light hits an object, the object either absorbs it or reflects it.
This is why smooth and glossy surfaces have a very high reflectance capacity in comparison with matt and rough surfaces.
Our advice is to think about the furniture in the room and make your decision accordingly.
You should also consider the layout of the room: which direction the windows face, the position of the rooms (south-facing rooms are lighter), if they are large or small and if any elements are present which could create shadowy areas.

Every light has its purpose
The lighting type also plays an important role in relation to the room in which it is applied: a spotlight, for example, directs the light to specific points and creates a smaller – but more powerful – lit area.
This type is therefore used under cabinets because it illuminates the food preparation area effectively.
Wall lights create a soft, diffused light and are therefore ideal for creating a relaxed atmosphere during a dinner party.
The important thing to remember is that the best artificial light solution is to use several different light sources, with various power and light quality levels so that you can adjust its intensity depending on the time and your requirements.
Alternatively, you can opt for self-adjusting systems which are activated and deactivated in accordance with the amount of natural light available in the room.
Adjusting the Light Intensity