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Formalia is the one man band of furniture

Formalia is the "one man band" of furniture

In the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom, and even the office: the versatile style of the Formalia model adapts to any setting

Buying a new home or refurbishing an existing one no doubt entails hunting down the perfect furniture, assessing each option in depth to decide where and how to place each piece. What if we told you that with the Formalia collection, you can furnish your kitchen, your living room, your bathroom and your office all at the same time? That’s exactly what Scavolini has come up with together with the designer Vittore Niolu!

"Since the focus is on function that is expressed with elegance. Here is Formalia"

Eye-catching compositions

Have you already got https://www.scavolini.com/bom/bo/tbl_modifica.asp?tbl=v_slider_magazine_detail&co_id=14588&id=14591&tab=Principale#your hands on the floor plan and started planning the rooms in your new home?  With the Formalia range, we also started off with our interpretation of the “home system”, trying to identify a series of matching furniture that would be attractive, functional and at the same time versatile, adapting to a range of different surroundings.


The Status Wall System is just one of these: a modular open-fronted system, its structure available in various colours, which can be included in the kitchen project, make up the support for the island bench, be freely installed as a partition element in adjoining living areas, or even be used as a frame, as an end element or, last but not least, as a partition in the bathroom.

Did you know that it also allows you to organise sit-on trays on the inside? They can also be used independently, enabling you to have your everyday essentials within easy reach, keeping up with your daily rhythm, including your work pace.

All the solutions on offer emphasise the game of lines and symmetries that lies at the heart of Formalia, promoting the concept of “everything on show” with solutions that are always simply one of a kind. Embracing this logic is the Status wall-mounted accessory, an individual element comprising several modules, which can be fitted in any setting, from the kitchen, to organise your kitchen towels and pans, to the bathroom, to set up the perfect beauty corner.

Distinguishing features

What about the details of the entire collection? Choosing Formalia means standing out, keeping up with current trends: the shaped door for instance, the distinguishing feature of this model, is a tribute to modernity, celebrated with stark, high-impact silhouettes. Also worth mentioning is the knurled foot, a glamorous detail of the aforementioned Status Wall System.

Do you want to find out more about this model? Get in touch, no strings attached!
Design & Stil
Formalia is the one man band of furniture