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Painting the Walls: Do’s and Don’ts

Painting the Walls: Do’s and Don’ts

Painting your walls is a job you can do yourself: no need to recruit the help of an expert.
You can obtain perfect, professional results by just keeping in mind some simple tricks and tips.

Aim for perfect results. When you are applying a color that is opposite to the existing color, first apply a coat of white.

Eight Do's for a perfect job

1) Make sure to buy all your materials in advance; that way, you can avoid having to run to the hardware store halfway through the job.
2) Take advice. Your retailer has valuable experience; don’t be afraid to ask for their opinion.
There are specific paintbrushes and rollers, specific for different kinds of paint and walls.
3) Always create a ‘support’ station in a separate room from that which you are painting; here, you can store objects and furniture without getting paint on them. Put smaller objects together in a box so that you can find them quickly after the job is finished.
4) Take your time preparing the room. Cover the floors completely, as well as any furniture too big to move. Be careful not to leave any uncovered areas.
5) Choose appropriate clothing, as well as comfortable shoes; make sure that you can move freely in these clothes and not worry about getting dirty.

6) Aim for perfect results. When you are applying a color that is opposite to the existing color (like from red to green), first apply a coat of white.
7) Wait a day before putting furniture and objects back into the room so that you can be sure the walls are dry.
8) Prepare your tools. If you have a new roller or paintbrush, let it soak in water and wash it with laundry detergent.

Eight things to avoid

1) Don't hurry! You'll get the best results with practice and patience. Calculate that to paint a room can take a whole day.
2) Don't dilute all the paint at once. Should some diluted paint be left over it will deteriorate quickly. Undiluted paint can be kept for up to three years.
3) Don't paint on wallpaper. Remove it by softening the glue with a wet rag. If it still won't come off the walls, you can use steam or a specially made product you'll find in the hardware store.
Whatever wallpaper remains stuck on the wall should be delicately scraped off.

4) Prepare your walls and don’t leave any imperfections; make sure to use sandpaper to smooth out any rough or uneven areas to ensure a professional end result.
5) Don’t close your windows or doors. Allowing fresh air to come through open doors and windows allows an exchange of fresh air with the odor of the paint and will help dry the walls quickly.
6) Try to avoid painting on rainy days (when you can’t leave the windows open) and on humid days. In both cases, it will take longer for the walls to dry completely and may compromise the quality of your careful work.
7) Make sure to clean your tools properly. After you finish using your paintbrush or rollers, clean them thoroughly with water or solvent and hang them to drip dry.
8) Don’t dispose of your paint irresponsibly. Before your start painting, inform yourself about local recycling facilities to dispose of your unused paint in an environmentally responsible manner.
Colours and materials
Painting the Walls: Do’s and Don’ts