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New Miko bathroom model

New Miko bathroom model

Introducing our new bathroom collection: Miko

Welcome to the fantastic world of the modern, minimalist bathroom: introducing the new Miko bathroom model, design by Vuesse, the perfect compromise of contemporary design, sophisticated materials and maximum functionality. If you’re a fan of modern style, then the Miko bathroom will win you over!

Elegance catering to your well-being

Is the bathroom your favourite place to wind down and enjoy some precious pamper time? The new Miko collection welcomes you like a warm embrace, creating the perfect atmosphere to relax both body and mind. It is no coincidence that its distinguishing features include the L-shaped processing of the door: this aesthetic detail, which can be combined with the two types of recessed grip profile, Flat or Round, lends its surroundings a light-weight and clean-cut appearance, while at the same time guaranteeing day-to-day practicality.

Mesmerising materials

The choice of material has a significant impact on the appearance of the composition: if your dream bathroom is a classy one, then the various aesthetic combinations and choices of textures provided by Miko are the perfect fit, as they emphasise the appeal of the setting while boosting that unmistakable Italian taste appreciated across the globe. What do you make of the elegant slat door or the exclusive Strips laminate?

Well-deserved accessories

Il bagno ideale mette a disposizione mobili e accessori che abbiano non solo un valore estetico, ma anche pratico: dal sistema Line System all’armadio con anta vetro, dalla grande specchiera al vassoio estraibile, ogni elemento del nuovo modello è stato progettato per assecondare la tua self-care routine, mettendo a disposizione ampi spazi per tenere in ordine e avere sempre a portata i prodotti del cuore per sentirsi al top.

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Design & Style
New Miko bathroom model