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Giugiaro Design

Giugiaro Design

Scavolini introduces kitchen Flux by Giugiaro design

Designer kitchen

"Our approach to this project has been to combine the need to design an innovative kitchen concept with the requirement of modularity that is typical of an industrial product.
Thus we started by thinking of offering a curved dynamic shape for all the storage elements – wall and base units – which would be enhanced by contrasting with the technical elements – tall refrigerator and oven units – which are more austere and linear.
This choice has led us to adopt a large, pull-out basket system for the bases and flap doors for wall units with the aim of offering more ergonomic opening systems for the doors.
Having designed the initial layout of the modules, we worked in two different yet compatible directions, breaking down the new concept into a «hi-tech» version and a «wooden» version".
Fabrizio Giugiaro

Giugiaro Design