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Furnishing living areas with stylish practicality

Furnishing living areas with stylish practicality

Bringing kitchen and living area into a single space

Coordinating the living style with that of the kitchen environment is confirmed as one of the driving trends for 2016 too.

Kitchen and Living a unique space, a place for meeting and socialising

Cucina e Living uno spazio unico, un luogo di incontro e socializzazione

The kitchen, the heart of the home

The kitchen is a place for meeting and socialising, both by members of the family and guests.

From a place that was once used exclusively for the preparation, cooking and consumption of food, the kitchen is today the heart of the home, where quality time is spent.

The greatest attention paid to living style comes precisely from this evolution: to create a unique space, logics of function, conviviality and style.

Two spaces, a single soul

The integration of surfaces, colours and forms of kitchen and living areas must be considered down to the tiniest detail, in order to guarantee a stylistic linearity and a balance of the whole.

A harmonious merging of spaces is therefore the key to success to a single environment that is able to blend two different rooms, making the most of the floor space available.

Room for creativity

Imagination can rein free when furnishing living areas.

There is an infinite wealth of style combinations available: furniture with minimalist, linear forms for those seeking a simpler style or creative geometric structures and original compositions. Pastel and retro colours or laminated in the brightest, boldest hues.

A thousand different possibilities, therefore, to redesign the confines of a home that is more and more versatile, ever more modern, practical and original. Just like you.

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Furnishing living areas with stylish practicality