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The Smell of Cleanliness

The Smell of Cleanliness

Eliminate bad odors in a natural way

Your last fish fry was enjoyed by the guests, but your kitchen will be the one to remember it for the longest!
To avoid repeating this situation, we offers some tricks for combatting bad odors in a practical and natural way.

Vinegar and lemon juice are perfect for eliminating bad smells from the refrigerator or sink. To remove the 'olfactory residues' of food from cutting boards just rub the surface with a lemon and rinse.

The air

To reduce the frying odor in the air put a lemon peel, an orange peel, a slice of apple and a celery stalk in the pan when you begin to fry and remove them as soon as they begin to brown.
Alternatively, you can set a pan of water and vinegar to boil beside the frying pan with oil: the evaporation of the mixture will keep the air purified.
Whatever you may have cooked, the fastest way to get the air breathable again is to create a cross breeze by opening windows on opposite sides of the room.
If you have a fan you can increase the breeze by setting it in the window with the blades blowing inwards.

Containers, cutting boards and refrigerator

A good way to deodorize glass containers is to fill them with a mixture of water, salt and potato skins and let it sit there for at least 24 hours.
To remove the 'olfactory residues' of food from cutting boards just rub the surface with a lemon and rinse.
Vinegar and lemon juice are also perfect for eliminating bad smells from the refrigerator or sink.

Prevention is best

The bitter essence of Myrrh can mask the majority of other "fragrances". Before cooking put a diffuser near the cooking range with a couple of drops of Myrrh oil in it.
A good way to deodorize your garbage can is to sprinkle three spoonfuls of bicarbonate of soda on the bottom once a week.
Finally, an old trick our grandmothers used to prevent bad odors was to burn a lump of sugar with an orange peel.
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The Smell of Cleanliness