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Let’s dive into a myriad of colours

Let’s dive into a myriad of colours

Bathroom furnishing solutions that are breathtaking for the beauty of the colours, from the most delicate to the brightest. Which one is your favourite?

The choice of bathroom units is first and foremost a matter of style that reflects individual tastes that also extend to the colour. To combine both needs, and see how a colour can be applied to a classic rather than a modern setting, let’s compare a few compositions for both types of look.

The lightness of pastel

Choosing pale and pastel colours for the bathroom always creates an extremely elegant and relaxing atmosphere. The strongest impressions tend to wane, leaving space for hints of colour that with their lightness paint the soft character of the room.
In this trend, white is and will always be a must. But more sophisticated suggestions come from the newer shades like Powder Pink and Teal Green. The latter colour is mesmerising thanks to its versatility and ability to adapt itself to a bathroom with decò taste, like Magnifica.

The strength of red

A colour full of meaning, strength and vitality. Perhaps especially when applied to bathroom units, but precisely for this reason it is even more astonishing and original. To understand how to use it, we will simply show you two examples of a very charming configuration. An ensemble with a contemporary feature, which has the brightness of a precious stone: a Font wall-mounted base unit with coordinated wall units in Red polished glass. And the exclusive Baltimora solution in Red matt lacquered finish, which highlights the sophistication that sets apart this model with the classic style.

The power of black

An audacious choice full of impact, black is the colour of mystery and the purest elegance. It may seem like a declaration of love aimed exclusively at the minimal and modern style. But don’t underestimate the retro inspiration of the bathroom furnishing solutions to create interesting combinations and settings. Black can enhance the room with the utmost luxury, particularly if combined with the brilliance of silver, like in the Balimora composition.

How would you like to furnish your bathroom: in a classic, modern or industrial style? Choose your favourite look and find the colour you love the most!

Colores y materiales
Let’s dive into a myriad of colours